Emergency Services Sector

Our experience in your sector
Solutions was established in 1994 by Paul Meek a former Operations Director of an ambulance service. Paul’s knowledge and experience , along with team members with the same backgrounds is a key reason for Solutions being recognised as being at the forefront across the UK for the design, development and delivery of bespoke training solutions for emergency services. This includes bespoke online course for both the fire & rescue and ambulance services in topics including manual handling of inanimate loads, moving and handling of casualties and conflict resolution.
Solutions have impressive case studies in both the ambulance and fire sectors showing how they have contributed to dramatic reductions in absenteeism due to their training programmes.
Blended Learning Assets:
Many of our customers opt to utilise our unique e-learning programmes and/or access our filmed disengagement and pre-hospital moving & handling technique video clips to accompany their internal training strategy. These additional assets have been designed to complement classroom-based practical training sessions by teaching learners the required theory and underpinning knowledge of the topic before meeting with your internal trainers.
The addition of these optional assets has proven to significantly reduce training downtime and training costs (reducing face-to-face training by around half a day).
Our student paramedics completed Solutions online Moving People course and attended classroom training (blended learning) to learn the practical skills. The on-line learning was obviously effective as during the practical training sessions many parts of the on-line learning was quoted and referred to both by students and myself, which confirms to me that this type of blended learning has a big advantage.
Northern Ireland Ambulance Trust - Eddie Shanks, Clinical Support Officer