Solutions have been contracted to train some 90 student paramedics at Birmingham City University in safe patient handling before they start their clinical placements. They are completing their training by firstly completing the brand new Moving People on line course (free demo on this site) which trains them about roles and responsibilities, spinal mechanics and back care, dynamic risk assessment, communication and team handling and the principles of safe handling. They are then presented with a number of filmed scenarios for them to start applying their knowledge including how to move a person down a tight spiral staircase, move a person from a chair to the floor for CPR and coach a fallen person up from the floor. They then attend a two day course to learn all the practical skills and on completion take a written assessment and then given an award “Moving and Handling People Safely” which is on the regulated qualifications The scene shows them applying their team handling skills wearing full PPE in these strange days.
Solutions Training and Advisory offer both accredited instructor led train the trainer courses for moving and handling of loads and people as well as e-learning options. Our customers are amongst some of the most demanding including 999 services. They trust us so should you to meet your training needs.