If you have staff within the emergency services that require training or who have been trained on moving and handling, then our bespoke film clips would be a great asset to your training strategy.
We have developed and filmed (with the help of Kent Fire and Rescue Service, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, and BM Ambulance Service) 25 moving and handling techniques based on scenarios that emergency service staff face daily within their roles. The clips have been designed to reinforce and refresh staff on the moving and handling techniques they have been trained on.
Click here for a demo of the clips – https://solutionselearning.co.uk/demo/Pre_Hospital_MH_Video_Techniques/story.htmlhttps://lnkd.in/ebmK7Hqp
These clips we developed at the request of our customers, we were asked to provide a cost and time-effective product for their staff to refer to on an ongoing basis, ensuring that their moving and handling knowledge is maintained, and the original skills learned never fade.
Customer feedback:
“the clips are a welcomed addition to our internal Moving & Handling training strategy and undoubtedly will support us with reinforcing and refreshing our crew’s skills and knowledge. Their release is extremely timely given that we are due to run refresher training with all staff in January, they will be utilised to enhance this planned training. It’s also great to know that if and when regulations and compliance standards change, Solutions will automatically update the clips, so we will always have access to the most relevant and up-to-date skills via the video access we have with them.”
These clips can be purchased for as little as 50p per staff member!!!!!!!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
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