Happy participants at Newcastle last week who attended an intensive two day course to train staff in ” Conflict Resolution” this included being taught how to apply non pain compliant disengagement skills if gripped or grabbed by a person as well as how to assess people who are angry and manage situations accordingly. Participants attended from North East and South West Ambulance NHS Trusts as well as Medical Services U.K a leading private sector ambulance company. Solutions have used this model to train thousands of people particularly in the rail and health care sectors and have case studies to demonstrate how physical assaults have been reduced to staff simply going about their work. ” Excellent learning a professional extremely knowledgeable tutor” said one participant.
Solutions Training and Advisory offer both instructor led train the trainer courses for moving and handling of people as well as moving and handling of objects. E-learning courses are also available, and currently the entire Welsh Ambulance service train their paramedics using Solutions Training e-learning software titled Backs For The Future.