We have returned to COVID safe train the trainer programmes in Conflict Resolution. Sadly during COVID there has been an increase in abuse and assaults on ambulance staff who need to be trained to assess and manage such situations including how to release from “grips and grabs” from people which often is from confused and sick patients as well as other groups. The release techniques are appropriate for staff working in health, social care or special education as they are based on the modern Japanese martial art “Aikido” the goal of which is to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attackers from injury. This philosophy of not responding with force reduces the risk of escalation. The picture shows Clinical Support Officers from Northern Ireland Ambulance Trust practicing the techniques during the train the trainer course. They will on completion of the programme receive an award on the regulated qualifications framework. Solutions are on 1st October launching the 2020 online CRT programme for all staff and volunteers in the ambulance sector to replace the hugely successful current version. When launched a free demo will be available on our web site. To date Solutions have trained thousands of ambulance and railway staff across the U.K and have case studies to demonstrate reductions in incidents for both of these front line sectors.
Solutions Training and Advisory offer both accredited instructor led train the trainer courses for moving and handling of loads and people as well as e-learning options. Our customers are amongst some of the most demanding including 999 services. They trust us so should you to meet your training needs.